Keep it Cool this summer

This time of year, staying cool is on everyone’s mind.

Here are a few tips to keep those A/C systems running this summer:

Set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature

On those high heat days, our A/C systems are working extra hard so be sure to set your thermostat a little bit higher (we suggest 74 degrees) to not force your system into overdrive. Throughout the summer, try to keep the temperature consistent during the day to maximize your system’s efficiency.

Clear the area around your A/C condenser

Your outdoor condenser units need proper space for airflow. Keeping the area clear of objects and debris like leaves, weeds, and close growing shrubs will help air move in and around your system to help your A/C work smarter, not harder.

Change Your Air Filter

Don’t let your air filter get clogged! We recommend changing it every 60-90 days with a filter rated MERV 10 or higher. Clogged filters reduce your system’s efficiency and make it harder to keep your home cool. Added bonus: a clean air filter improves air quality inside your home making it especially important if you have pets, children, or family members with allergies or asthma.

Schedule An A/C Tune Up

Just like your car, regular maintenance on your home’s equipment keeps things running nice and smooth. With our A/C Service Plan, our Technical Experts can inspect, clean and test your system with an annual service check, provide 24/7 emergency service and it offers a 20% discount on repairs.

We Provide Peace Of Mind. How Can We Help You?

Give us a call at 203-364-5816 or contact us here.


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