Ways to Save This winter

We’re always thinking about savings! As we continue moving towards colder weather, we have a few suggestions for how you can save on your heating costs and still stay warm and cozy!


A small swap to a programmable or smart thermostat
can make a big difference in your energy use. You
can track and manage your home’s temperature,
schedule adjustments based on time of day
even set up geofencing to automatically adjust the
thermostat when you’re a certain distance from home.



Save on costly repairs when you purchase our Heat
Service Plan. Regular maintenance can keep your
equipment running efficiently, more cost effectively
and extend its life. Our plans include an annual service
check and 20% off any repairs. Visit rural-fuels.com/
to receive $50 off a new service plan.



Replacing your repair-ridden furnace or boiler or even
upgrading from an older inefficient model can make
a big impact on your home’s energy bills. In fact, you
can save up to 40% on the fuel you use this winter
with a new heating system! And over the life of this
new high efficiency equipment, you’ll see big savings
year over year. Call us to schedule a free equipment
consultation with one of our Equipment Experts.


There are other ways to stay warm this winter like closing doors to unused rooms or ensuring that doors and windows are closed tightly but focusing this fall to conserve, protect and improve your home’s heating efficiency will help make sure you reduce your energy use and lower your bills.


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Air Conditioning Tips for the End of Summer